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Short post on premature optimization and error handling

Premature optimization is the root of all evil ~Donald Knuth

Don't pretend to handle more than you handle ~me just now

My team took over some scrapers. After a few months an issue is reported stating that accounting is missing data from one of the scrapers. No errors were logged and or seen by our team.

My colleague investigates the issue. Findings:

  • most recent data is indeed missing in our data base (it is already available in the API)
  • the data is often delayed (compared to when it's available in the remote API)
  • the data is not time critical but a delay of hours or days is vexing (remember folks - talk to your users or customers)
  • the scraper is using parallelism to send all requests at once (probably to get the data faster)
  • the API doesn't like our intense scraping and bans us from accessing the API, sometimes for hours
  • we never saw any Errors as the error handling looks like this:
try {
    data = hit the REST API using multiple parallel requests
} catch {"No data found")

Take away

  • talk to your users - in this case to learn that this data is not time critical
  • don't optimize prematurely
  • don't catch all exception pretending you handle them

More venting

I have seen my share of premature optimizations. AFAIR I always managed to have a conversation about the (un)necessity of an optimization and agree to prefer readability/simplicity over premature optimization.

If you see premature optimization my advise is "talk to the perp". People do what they consider necessary and right. They might optimize code hoping to save the company money or time.

If you have the experience to know that saving 2kB of RAM in an invoicing app run once a month is not worth using that obscure data structure - talk to those who don't yet know it. Their intentions are good.

I'm pretty sure I'm also guilty of premature optimization, just can't recall any instance as my brain is probably protecting my ego by erasing any memories of such mistakes from my past.

An example

One example of premature optimization stuck with me. I recall reviewing code as below

foreach(var gasPoint in gasPoints)
    if (gasPoint.Properties.Any())
        foreach (var x in gasPoint.Properties)
            // do sth with x

The review went something like this:

me: drop the if, foreach handles empty collections just fine

author: but this is better

me: why?

author: if the collection is empty we don't even use the iterator

me: how often is this code run?

author: currently only for a single entry in gasPoints, but there can be more

me: how many more and when?

author: users might create an entry for every gas pipeline connection in Europe

me: ok, how many is that?

We agreed to drop the if after realizing that:

We have ~30 countries in Europe, even if they all connect with each other there will be at most ~400 gas connections to handle here. We don't know that the if is faster then the iterator. 400 is extremely optimistic. We have 1 entry now, and realistically we will have 10 gasPoints in 5 years.

The conversation wasn't as smooth as I pretend here but we managed.

Exercises in bash/shell/scripting

Being fluent in shell/scripting allows you to improve your work by 20%. It doesn't take you to another level. You don't suddenly poses the knowledge to implement flawless distributed transactions but some things get done much faster with no frustration.

Here is my collection of shell/scripting exercises for others to practice shell skills.

A side note - I'm still not sure if I should learn more PowerShell, try out a different shell or do everything in F# fsx. PowerShell is just so ugly ;(

Scroll down for answers

Exercise 1

What were the arguments of DetectOrientationScript function in when it was first introduced?

Exercise 2

Get Hadoop distributed file system log from

Find the ratio of (failed block serving)/(failed block serving + successful block serving) for each IP

The result should like:

...  0.452453987730061  0.464609355865785  0.455237129089526  0.452124935995904

Exercise 3

This happened to me once - I had to find all http/s links to a specific domains in the export of our company's messages as someone shared proprietary code on websites available publicly.

Exercise - find all distinct http/s links in

Exercise 4

Task - remove the string "42" from each line of multiple CSV files.

You can use this to generate the input CSV files:

$numberOfFiles = 10
$numberOfRows = 100

$fileNames = 1..$numberOfFiles | % { "file$_.csv" }
$csvData = 1..$numberOfRows | ForEach-Object {
        Column1 = "Value $_"
        Column2 = "Value $($_ * 2)"
        Column3 = "Value $($_ * 3)"

$fileNames | % { $csvData | Export-Csv -Path $_ }





























Exercise 1 - answer


bool DetectOrientationScript(int& orient_deg, float& orient_conf, std::string& script, float& script_conf);

> git log -S DetectOrientationScript # get sha of oldest commit
> git show bc95798e011a39acf9778b95c8d8c5847774cc47 | sls DetectOrientationScript

> git log -S DetectOrientationScript # get sha of oldest commit
> git show bc95798e011a39acf9778b95c8d8c5847774cc47 | grep DetectOrientationScript


> git log -S " DetectOrientationScript" -p | sls DetectOrientationScript | select -Last 1

> git log -S " DetectOrientationScript" -p | grep DetectOrientationScript | tail -1

Bonus - execution times

[PowerShell 7.4]
> measure-command { git log -S " DetectOrientationScript" -p | sls DetectOrientationScript | select -Last 1 }
TotalSeconds      : 3.47

> time git log -S " DetectOrientationScript" -p | grep DetectOrientationScript | tail -1
real    0m3.471s

Without git log -S doing heavy lifting times look different:

[PowerShell 7.4]
> @(1..10) | % { Measure-Command { git log -p | sls "^\+.*\sDetectOrientationScript" } } | % { $_.TotalSeconds } | Measure-Object -Average

Count    : 10
Average  : 9.27122774
[PowerShell 5.1]
> @(1..10) | % { Measure-Command { git log -p | sls "^\+.*\sDetectOrientationScript" } } | % { $_.TotalSeconds } | Measure-Object -Average

Count    : 10
Average  : 27.33900077
> seq 10 | xargs -I '{}' bash -c "TIMEFORMAT='%3E' ; time git log -p | grep -E '^\+.*\sDetectOrientationScript' > /dev/null" 2> times
> awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}' times
6.7249 # For convince I moved to dot one place to the left


Bash is faster then PowerShell. PowerShell 7 is much faster then PowerShell 5. It was surprisingly easy to get the average with Measure-Object in PowerShell and surprisingly difficult in bash.

Exercise 2 - answer

[PowerShell 7.4]
> sls "Served block.*|Got exception while serving.*" -Path .\HDFS.log | % { $_.Matches[0].Value -replace "Served block.*/","ok/" -replace "Got exception while serving.*/","nk/" -replace ":","" } | % { $_ -replace "(ok|nk)/(.*)", "`${2} `${1}"} | sort > sorted
> cat .\sorted | group -Property {$_ -replace "nk|ok",""} | % { $g = $ | ? {$_.contains("nk") }; ,@($, ($g.Length/$_.count)) } | write-host

This is how I got to the answer:

> sls "Served block" -Path .\HDFS.log | select -first 10
> sls "Served block|Got exception while serving" -Path .\HDFS.log | select -first 10
> sls "Served block|Got exception while serving" -Path .\HDFS.log | select -first 100
> sls "Served block|Got exception while serving" -Path .\HDFS.log | select -first 1000
> sls "Served block.*|Got exception while serving" -Path .\HDFS.log | select -first 1000
> sls "Served block.*|Got exception while serving.*" -Path .\HDFS.log | select -first 1000
> sls "Served block.*|Got exception while serving.*" -Path .\HDFS.log -raw | select -first 1000
> sls "Served block.*|Got exception while serving.*" -Path .\HDFS.log -raw | select matches -first 1000
> sls "Served block.*|Got exception while serving.*" -Path .\HDFS.log -raw | select Matches -first 1000
> sls "Served block.*|Got exception while serving.*" -Path .\HDFS.log -raw | select Matches
> $a = sls "Served block.*|Got exception while serving.*" -Path .\HDFS.log -raw
> $a[0]
> get-type $a[0]
> Get-TypeData $a
> $a[0]
> $a[0].Matches[0].Value
> $a = sls "Served block.*|Got exception while serving.*" -Path .\HDFS.log
> $a[0]
> $a[0].Matches[0].Value
> sls "Served block.*|Got exception while serving.*" -Path .\HDFS.log | % { $_.Matches[0].Value -replace "Served block.*/","ok/" }
> "asdf" -replace "a","b"
> "asdf" -replace "a","b" -replace "d","x"
> "asdf" -replace "a.","b" -replace "d","x"
> sls "Served block.*|Got exception while serving.*" -Path .\HDFS.log | % { $_.Matches[0].Value -replace "Served block.*/","ok/" -replace "Got exception while serving.*/","nk" }
> sls "Served block.*|Got exception while serving.*" -Path .\HDFS.log | % { $_.Matches[0].Value -replace "Served block.*/","ok/" -replace "Got exception while serving.*/","nk/" }
> sls "Served block.*|Got exception while serving.*" -Path .\HDFS.log | % { $_.Matches[0].Value -replace "Served block.*/","ok/" -replace "Got exception while serving.*/","nk/" -replace ":","" }
> "aaxxaa" -replace "a.","b"
> "aaxxaa" -replace "a.","b$0"
> "aaxxaa" -replace "a.","b$1"
> "aaxxaa" -replace "a.","b${1}"
> "aaxxaa" -replace "a.","b${0}"
> "aaxxaa" -replace "a.","b`${0}"
> "okaaxxokaa" -replace "(ok|no)aa","_`{$1}_"
> "okaaxxokaa" -replace "(ok|no)aa","_`${1}_"
> "okaaxxokaa" -replace "(ok|no)aa","_`${1}_`${0}"
> sls "Served block.*|Got exception while serving.*" -Path .\HDFS.log | % { $_.Matches[0].Value -replace "Served block.*/","ok/" -replace "Got exception while serving.*/","nk/" -replace ":","" } | % { $_ -replace "(ok|nk)/(.*)", "`${2} `${1}"}
> sls "Served block.*|Got exception while serving.*" -Path .\HDFS.log | % { $_.Matches[0].Value -replace "Served block.*/","ok/" -replace "Got exception while serving.*/","nk/" -replace ":","" } | % { $_ -replace "(ok|nk)/(.*)", "`${2} `${1}"} | sort
> sls "Served block.*|Got exception while serving.*" -Path .\HDFS.log | % { $_.Matches[0].Value -replace "Served block.*/","ok/" -replace "Got exception while serving.*/","nk/" -replace ":","" } | % { $_ -replace "(ok|nk)/(.*)", "`${2} `${1}"} | sort > sorted
> cat .\sorted -First 10
> cat | group
> cat | group -Property {$_}
> cat .\sorted | group -Property {$_}
> cat .\sorted -Head 10 | group -Property {$_}
> cat .\sorted -Head 100 | group -Property {$_}
> cat .\sorted -Head 1000 | group -Property {$_}
> cat .\sorted -Head 10000 | group -Property {$_}
> cat .\sorted -Head 10000 | group -Property {$_} | select name,count
> cat .\sorted | group -Property {$_} | select name,count
> cat .\sorted | group -Property {$_ -replace "nk|ok",""}
> cat .\sorted -Head 10000 | group -Property {$_ -replace "nk|ok",""}
> cat .\sorted -Head 10000 | group -Property {$_ -replace "nk|ok",""} | % { $g = $ | ? {$_.contains("nk") }; $, $g.Length / $_.count }
> cat .\sorted -Head 10000 | group -Property {$_ -replace "nk|ok",""} | % { $g = $ | ? {$_.contains("nk") }; $, $g.Length, $_.count }
> cat .\sorted -Head 10000 | group -Property {$_ -replace "nk|ok",""} | % { $g = $ | ? {$_.contains("nk") }; $, $g.Length / $_.count }
> cat .\sorted -Head 10000 | group -Property {$_ -replace "nk|ok",""} | % { $g = $ | ? {$_.contains("nk") }; $, $g.Length, $_.count }
> $__
> $__[0]
> $__[1]
> $__[2]
> cat .\sorted -Head 10000 | group -Property {$_ -replace "nk|ok",""} | % { $g = $ | ? {$_.contains("nk") }; $, $g.Length, $_.count }
> $a = cat .\sorted -Head 10000 | group -Property {$_ -replace "nk|ok",""} | % { $g = $ | ? {$_.contains("nk") }; $, $g.Length, $_.count }
> $a[0]
> $a[1]
> $a[2]
> $a[1].GetType()
> $a[2].GetType()
> cat .\sorted -Head 10000 | group -Property {$_ -replace "nk|ok",""} | % { $g = $ | ? {$_.contains("nk") }; $, ($g.Length) / ($_.count) }
> cat .\sorted -Head 10000 | group -Property {$_ -replace "nk|ok",""} | % { $g = $ | ? {$_.contains("nk") }; $, (($g.Length) / ($_.count)) }
> cat .\sorted -Head 10000 | group -Property {$_ -replace "nk|ok",""} | % { $g = $ | ? {$_.contains("nk") }; ,$, (($g.Length) / ($_.count)) }
> cat .\sorted -Head 10000 | group -Property {$_ -replace "nk|ok",""} | % { $g = $ | ? {$_.contains("nk") }; @($, (($g.Length) / ($_.count))) }
> cat .\sorted -Head 10000 | group -Property {$_ -replace "nk|ok",""} | % { $g = $ | ? {$_.contains("nk") }; ,@($, (($g.Length) / ($_.count))) }
> cat .\sorted -Head 10000 | group -Property {$_ -replace "nk|ok",""} | % { $g = $ | ? {$_.contains("nk") }; return ,@($, (($g.Length) / ($_.count))) }
> cat .\sorted -Head 10000 | group -Property {$_ -replace "nk|ok",""} | % { $g = $ | ? {$_.contains("nk") }; [Array] ,@($, (($g.Length) / ($_.count))) }
> cat .\sorted -Head 10000 | group -Property {$_ -replace "nk|ok",""} | % { $g = $ | ? {$_.contains("nk") }; [Array]@($, (($g.Length) / ($_.count))) }
> cat .\sorted -Head 10000 | group -Property {$_ -replace "nk|ok",""} | % { $g = $ | ? {$_.contains("nk") }; return ,$, (($g.Length) / ($_.count)) }
> $a = cat .\sorted -Head 10000 | group -Property {$_ -replace "nk|ok",""} | % { $g = $ | ? {$_.contains("nk") }; return ,$, (($g.Length) / ($_.count)) }
> $a[0]
> $a = cat .\sorted -Head 10000 | group -Property {$_ -replace "nk|ok",""} | % { $g = $ | ? {$_.contains("nk") }; return ,($, (($g.Length) / ($_.count))) }
> cat .\sorted -Head 10000 | group -Property {$_ -replace "nk|ok",""} | % { $g = $ | ? {$_.contains("nk") }; return ,($, (($g.Length) / ($_.count))) }
> cat .\sorted -Head 10000 | group -Property {$_ -replace "nk|ok",""} | % { $g = $ | ? {$_.contains("nk") }; return ,@($, (($g.Length) / ($_.count))) }
> cat .\sorted -Head 10000 | group -Property {$_ -replace "nk|ok",""} | % { $g = $ | ? {$_.contains("nk") }; ,@($, (($g.Length) / ($_.count))) }
> cat .\sorted -Head 10000 | group -Property {$_ -replace "nk|ok",""} | % { $g = $ | ? {$_.contains("nk") }; $x = @($, (($g.Length) / ($_.count))) }
> cat .\sorted -Head 10000 | group -Property {$_ -replace "nk|ok",""} | % { $g = $ | ? {$_.contains("nk") }; $x = @($, (($g.Length) / ($_.count))); $x }
> cat .\sorted -Head 10000 | group -Property {$_ -replace "nk|ok",""} | % { $g = $ | ? {$_.contains("nk") }; $x = @($, (($g.Length) / ($_.count))); ,$x }
> cat .\sorted -Head 10000 | group -Property {$_ -replace "nk|ok",""} | % { $g = $ | ? {$_.contains("nk") }; $x = @($, (($g.Length) / ($_.count))); return ,$x }
> $a = cat .\sorted -Head 10000 | group -Property {$_ -replace "nk|ok",""} | % { $g = $ | ? {$_.contains("nk") }; $x = @($, (($g.Length) / ($_.count))); return ,$x }
> $a[0]
> $a[0][0]
> $a = cat .\sorted -Head 10000 | group -Property {$_ -replace "nk|ok",""} | % { $g = $ | ? {$_.contains("nk") }; $x = @($, (($g.Length) / ($_.count))); return ,$x } | % { wirte-output "$_[0]" }
> $a = cat .\sorted -Head 10000 | group -Property {$_ -replace "nk|ok",""} | % { $g = $ | ? {$_.contains("nk") }; $x = @($, (($g.Length) / ($_.count))); return ,$x } | % { write-output "$_[0]" }
> $a = cat .\sorted -Head 10000 | group -Property {$_ -replace "nk|ok",""} | % { $g = $ | ? {$_.contains("nk") }; $x = @($, (($g.Length) / ($_.count))); return ,$x } | % { write-output "$_[0]" }
> cat .\sorted -Head 10000 | group -Property {$_ -replace "nk|ok",""} | % { $g = $ | ? {$_.contains("nk") }; $x = @($, (($g.Length) / ($_.count))); return ,$x } | % { write-output "$_[0]" }
> cat .\sorted -Head 10000 | group -Property {$_ -replace "nk|ok",""} | % { $g = $ | ? {$_.contains("nk") }; $x = @($, (($g.Length) / ($_.count))); return ,$x } | % { write-output "$_" }
> cat .\sorted | group -Property {$_ -replace "nk|ok",""} | % { $g = $ | ? {$_.contains("nk") }; $x = @($, (($g.Length) / ($_.count))); return ,$x } | % { write-output "$_" }

open System.IO
open System.Text.RegularExpressions

let lines = File.ReadAllLines("HDFS.log")

let a =
    |> Array.filter (fun x -> x.Contains("Served block") || x.Contains("Got exception while serving"))

// |> Array.take 10000
|> (fun x ->
    let m = Regex.Match(x, "(Served block|Got exception while serving).*/(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})")
    match m.Groups[1].Value with
    | "Served block"                -> true
    | "Got exception while serving" -> false )
|> Array.groupBy fst
|> (fun (key, group) ->
    let total = group.Length
    let failed = group |> snd |> Array.filter not |> Array.length
    key, (decimal failed)/(decimal total)
|> Array.sortBy fst
|> (fun (i,m) -> sprintf "%s  %.15f" i m)
|> fun x -> File.AppendAllLines("fsout", x)

Exercise 3 - answer

[PowerShell 7.4]
> ls -r -file | % { sls -path $_.FullName -pattern https?:.* -CaseSensitive } | % { $_.Matches[0].Value } | sort | select -Unique

# finds 234 links
> find . -type f -not -path './.git/*' | xargs grep -E https?:.* -ho | sort | uniq

# finds 234 links

Exercise 4 - answer

[PowerShell 7.4]
ls *.csv | % { (cat $_ ) -replace "42","" | out-file $_ }

> sed -i 's/43//' *.csv
> sed -ibackup 's/43//' *.csv # creates backup files
This neat, perhaps unix people had wisdom that is lost now.

F# async - be mindful of what you put in async {}

open System

let r = Random()

let m () =
  let random_num = r.Next()
  async {
    printfn "%i" random_num

m () |> Async.RunSynchronously // prints a random number
m () |> Async.RunSynchronously // prints another random number
let x = m ()
x |> Async.RunSynchronously // prints another random number
x |> Async.RunSynchronously // prints same number as above

Why does it matter that lines 14 and 15 print the same number?

Let's consider the following code:

// We're sending http requests and if they fail we'd like to retry them

#r "System.Net.Http"
open System.Net.Http

let HTTP_CLIENT = new HttpClient()

let send url =
  let httpRequest = new HttpRequestMessage()
  httpRequest.RequestUri <- Uri url

  async {
    let! r =
      HTTP_CLIENT.SendAsync httpRequest
      |> Async.AwaitTask
    return r

send "http://test" |> Async.RunSynchronously
send "http://test" |> Async.RunSynchronously
let y = send "http://test"
y |> Async.RunSynchronously
y |> Async.RunSynchronously

let retry computation =
  async {
      let! r = computation
      return r
    | e ->
      printf "ups, err, let's retry"
      let! r2 = computation
      return r2

send "http://test" |> retry |> Async.RunSynchronously
// retrying will fail always with "The request message was already sent. Cannot send the same request message multiple times."
// This is because just like L14/15 print the same number, here we send the exact same request object and that's not allowed

The fix

let send2 url =
  async {
    let httpRequest = new HttpRequestMessage()
    httpRequest.RequestUri <- Uri url
    let! r =
      HTTP_CLIENT.SendAsync httpRequest
      |> Async.AwaitTask
    return r

send2 "http://test" |> retry |> Async.RunSynchronously