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git goodies

git branch -d `git branch | grep feature`                             # delete all branches with feature in its name
git branch | grep feature | xargs git branch -d                       # same as ^
git push origin --delete branchXYZ                                    # git push origin :branchXYZ
git push origin --delete `git branch -r | grep feature | cut -c10-`   # delete all feature branches from remote
git show branch:file > write_here                                     #
git checkout branch -- path/to/file                                   # similar to previous but checkout the file
git checkout --ours foo/                                      # useful for rebases or merges, works with --theirs too
git log -p -- src/data_capture_tools                                  # changes only made to a specific directory
git log --all --full-history -- "**/thefile.*"                        #
git log --left-right --graph --cherry-pick --oneline feature...branch #